Thursday, April 3, 2008


today and it is great!

tour has been wonderful. the next 10 shows are sold out.

i have been reading alot recently and it has been really refreshing. reading is so good for the soul.

we had some rough times from Seattle to Salt Lake City to Denver but im alive.

Honestly, we had it real bad. I was driving at one point through dead mans pass in oregon, and it was snowing hard and we were going about 30 and the trailer fishtailed and took the van with it and we almost rolled. (run on sentence wow).

We then blew a tire at about 2 am in the middle of a national forest with no cell reception. We couldnt jack the van ourselves so we had to stand on the highway and flag down a cop and finally go it done. It was very frustrating,cold,and scary.

Myself the Road Hog and my road pups made it through.

This tour is flying by and then Im headed into Warped and then Sonny will be touring again in the Fall.

I saw the bird and it was great.

hog & bird are planning travels and world takeovers.

here is a great video.

go listen to the nerve agents.

and The First Step. NC boys yes.

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