Monday, December 24, 2007

home for the holidays

Tour went so well. I feel so stoked about having the chance to tour with the guys I got too. Team Sleep was super great every night. I enjoyed making new friends and the experience of touring with a new bunch of guys. Truly great! Im home in NC for the Holidays and things are fine. Im getting caught up on some much needed sleep and enjoying the company of old friends.

Im headed out with Norma Jean for a few show over New Years then back to Nashville for the start of the new year. I have no tours Jan or Feb so im going to be hanging out and trying to write much more than I have been. The Hardy Boys are playing some shows in Feb and im very excited about that. I have some opportunities coming up in 08 that could be really huge for me. We will see what happens!

Hope everyone has a great holiday with their familes!


1 comment:

Christopher Jenkins said...

big opportunities for the best dude.

good luck with stuff!